
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Overnite Buns and Double Pastry Crust

Overnite Buns

2 cups sugar
4 cups water
boil five minutes
then add 1 cup lard (Mother says that margarine or Crisco are acceptable substitutes, but not butter)

When cool add big tablespoon of salt, 2 eggs and yeast - 2 pks dissolved in small amount of sugar and warm water.

Add sifted flour for soft dough.  (Mother says always sift twice, or else your 'buns' will be 'bricks'.  Add flour until it kneads correctly and doesn't stick anymore.  You need to turn as you knead.  It's a bit of work!)

Let rise 10 min.  Knead down.  Let rise 3 hours.

Put in pans.  Bake in morning.  (Mom suggests 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes and recommends muffin pans.)

Double Pie Pastry

2 cups flour (sift twice)
2/3 cups shortening (Crisco)
1/3 cup milk (this would have been directly from the cows, so Mother suggests cold, whole milk)
1 1/2 tsp. salt

If you work pie dough too much, it gets tough.  For tender pie crust, Mother recommends using a fork to cut the shortening into the twice-sifted flour and salt mixture, then adding the cold milk and mixing just until blended.  Roll out onto a floured board, but use a gentle touch.  Once rolled out, roll the pie crust back up onto the rolling pin and then transfer the pie crust carefully to your pie tin.

We hope you'll enjoy these recipes for your collection.  They are from Grandma Margarethe "Maggie" Block.

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