
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Butterhorn Rolls from Olga, an Easter treat

Oh, my...butterhorn rolls....we were searching for recipes in Great Grandma Block's 1936 Household Searchlight Recipe Book and found this written in her I have fond memories of these!  Whenever Mother baked them, they disappeared the same day - and this makes aLOT - around four dozen!

Butterhorn Rolls From Olga

mix 1 yeast cake with 1 Tablespoon sugar
scald and cool 1 cup milk
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon salt
4 or 5 cups flour
(knead by hand)
real soft dough
mix at nite (let stand in large bread bowl covered with dish towel on counter)
and roll in morning
(roll dough onto floured board like a pie crust and cut into eight triangles)
allow to rise a second time and bake at 400 for 10-12 minutes
roll from large end

For Easter:
can frost these with 1 cup powdered sugar and 3 Tablespoons of milk and 1 tsp vanilla

The wonderful smell these will make in your home will wake everyone up for Easter morning service!


  1. This looks so delicious! I love homemade bread and rolls. I am sitting here right now eating homemade oatmeal bread with honey and my mouth still waters for these! I will have to make them soon.

  2. Had to go get my mom's 'Sweet Dough' recipe from the old Betty Crocker recipe and yep, it sure is close. They look good and I already know how wonderful they taste, as I grew up with this recipe. Great recipes!!!
