
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"Let them eat cake!" ...with choice of frostings :-)

Carmel Fudge Icing
1/3 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup milk
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
over very low heat stir & bring to boil
boil 2 min.
cool until hand can be comfortably held on bottom of pan
stir in 2 cups powdered sugar
add 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
beat until smooth & creamy
if too thick to spread beat in 1/2 tsp. milk at a time

Mrs. Ed. Marquardt aka LaVonne was one of the nicest ladies in Gardena, North Dakota.  She and her husband lived on a farm in the Gardena area in the 1940's.  Mother recalls fondly going out to their farm because they always treated young people so nicely.

Crazy Cake
sift into an ungreased cake pan & mix:
3 cups sifted (always double sift, Grandma Block said) flour
2 cups sugar
2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 to 1/3 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp. salt
Make 3 holes in dry ingredients, then add:
3/4 cup Mazola oil (corn)
1 tsp. vanilla
2 Tablespoons vinegar (yes, you read that right!)
Pour 2 cups cold water over all & blend well with a fork, but don't overbeat.
Bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 35-40 minutes.
Rich whip topping for the cake
(frosting suggestion from Ruth Jacques)

Fluffy White Frosting
(aka Home-made Marshmallow Frosting)
1 1/4 cups white corn syrup
1/8 tsp. salt
2 egg whites
1 tsp. vanilla
Heat corn syrup to boiling in small saucepan.  Combine unbeaten eggs whites, salt and vanilla in bowl.  Beat at high speed with an electric mixer until egg whites are stiff, but not dry.  Slowly pour in boiling syrup, continuing to beat until frosting is fluffy and hangs in peaks from beater.  (Approx. six minutes.)  Spread between layers and on sides and top of cake.

Thanks to Domesticated Engineer for baking one of the recipes she found here on RocknRecipes and creating a wonderful tutorial and special frosting for the Betty Crocker 1949 Bit o' Chocolate Chiffon cake which her grandson describes as "exquisite"!  This must be worth a try!!

If you create one of our recipes, please let us know so we can feature your tutorial here on RocknRecipes!

Thank you,
Mary Ann & Mother

PS  Olimpia is a good friend of ours who is re-creating her Romanian mother's "Pigs in a Blanket" recipe for the crockpot.  Won't it be fabulous to have that great dish at the end of a busy work day?  
Please check back!


We feel so honored!
Our Grandma Block's Sour Cream Cake was featured at Miz Helen's Country Cottage blog here:
Thank you for featuring our very first blog recipe, Miz Helen!


  1. That's pretty cool, that lots of people are trying out the recipes you put on!! I have baked the crazy cake many times. I got the recipe when I was in high school and we called it "Wacky Cake". This cake I do not frost, as we eat it right when it comes out of the oven, nice and warm! This blog thing is fun to find good new friends!!!

  2. As a young wife in the 70's with a husband in graduate school and a teacher's salary budget, I made this cake when I needed to take a cake to a church dinner or a friend's house. It didn't cost as much to make as a regular cake because it didn't call for eggs and milk (too expensive for us then!).An elderly neighbor gave me the recipe (actually, she was probably the age I am NOW and not elderly at all!)

  3. Love these recipes! My kids love the 'crazy cake'! And that marshmallow frosting ~ well, I could eat the whole bowl! I also love the hand written recipes. I saw someone once that got a few of her grandma's favorite hand written recipes and framed them into a cute collage. So precious!

  4. Hi Mary Ann & Mother,
    You two really have a great recipe box! This cake looks so good. I just love a crazy cake. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!
