
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day Waffles from Betty Crocker!

Betty Crocker's Cookbook, circa 1976

I remember the 1976 parade in our small town in America!  Mother and her friends all sewed long prairie dresses with bonnets and the floats were covered 
with red, white and blue banners for the celebration of the Bicentennial!

ingredients for Richer Waffles, pg. 58

Richer Waffles, Betty Crocker, 1976

3 eggs
1 1/2 cups buttermilk
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening 
(Crico canola oil is what we prefer)

Heat waffle iron.  Beat eggs; beat in remaining ingredients with ratary beater (we used the mixer) until smooth.
Pour batter from cup or pitcher onto center of hot waffle iron.  Bake about 5 minutes or until steaming stops.  Remove waffle carefully.
Makes about eight 7" waffles.
(If using self-rising flour, omit baking powder and salt.)

No buttermilk on hand?
To substitute regular milk for buttermilk, separate eggs, beat egg whites until stiff; increase baking powder to 4 teaspoons; omit soda and fold egg whites into batter.

Happy Mother's Day, Grandma Pedie!


  1. I have this same cookbook: Copyright 1969, 29th printing 1977:) This is one of my favorite recipes from the book. Because the book is so old and fragile at this point, I had my Daughter type the directions and I printed them and have them on the side of the fridge. Love this recipe book!!!

  2. I got this cookbook as a wedding present in 1970! My oldest son looked and looked for a copy because one of his specialties is a quick bread called "Butter Dips" and this is the only cookbook that has it. (that we've found!) And, it's not in the later versions. I found him a copy last year and gave it to him for Christmas. He was thrilled.
    My middle son was born in 1976. We called him our Bicentennial Baby. I have collected Bicentennial plates and other items (not many, but a few) over the years to give him some day. Quilting got its revival as a result of women going back to pioneer crafts. It was a fun year!
